YouTube Videos

Hey Doc, What's Up?
@heydocwhatsup6290 | •31 subscribers •69 videos
Hey there! I am Dr. Victoria J Mondloch, MD. I began my healthcare career as an OB/GYN. Early on, I saw
gaps in the healthcare system that caused me to re-think how medicine is practiced, specifically the
issues surrounding women’s health. I have helped women of all ages: from young ladies struggling with
difficult cycles or infertility to helping more mature women meet the challenges of menopause with
grace. I am passionate about preventative healthcare, and I am equally passionate about educating my
patients. I specialize in Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy and have helped people from all
walks of life deal with a myriad of symptoms. It is my mission to help people feel their very best no
matter their age or ailment. This channel will be used to educate people on topics ranging from PCOS,
infertility, high blood pressure, diabetes and more.
visit my YT channel